Monthly Archives: June 2006

Colin Resigns

Colin resigned today. I find this pretty disappointing. I feel that he hasn’t really given our endeavour a chance. Having lost conviction he now contents himself with returning to a style of play he found unfulfilling. I wish him luck, though regretably I don’t believe the path he has taken will satisfy him.



Planetary is a twenty-seven issue comic book series created and written by Warren Ellis, illustrated by John Cassaday, coloured by Laura Martin and published by Wildstorm, a subsidiary of DC Comics. It follows the activities of a shadowy group of parahumans who bill themselves as ‘Archaeologists of the Impossible’ and are dedicated to unravelling the secret history behind the 20th century.

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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

League of Extraordinary GentlemenAnother comic-book limited-series I would highly recommend is Alan Moore‘s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, written by the man himself, illustrated by Kevin O’Neill  and published by America’s Best Comics.

Note: This bears only marginal similarities to the film of the same name.

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